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We offer 21st century eductation that instils transversal skills in children in a safe and conducive environment with highly trained, qualified and competent teachers and experts.Tuition fees are affordable for world class education
Enrichment Programs
weekend club
In collaboration with Treasure Kids, we also organise Saturday classes for children ages 2-12 as an academic enrichment program to help struggling students catch up with their school work. Aside that, we do talent workshops, reading clinics and homework club as well as field trips. We admit both students and non-students of TWS to the club.
In collaboration with Treasure Kids,
we offer three distinct and highly recommended year round camps at Christmas, Easter and Christmas for kids and teens from ages 4 to 15 years as a way of nurturing and discovering their talents and innate skills in music, arts, science, culinary arts, robotics, engineering, dance, drama and others. Check with our Admin office for more details on our vacation camps.
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