We offer 21st century eductation that instils transversal skills in children in a safe and conducive environment with highly trained, qualified and competent teachers and experts.Tuition fees are affordable for world class education
School fees
Kindly click here to request a copy of the school fees brochure. For further details and enquiries, contact the school administrator at thewitschool@gmail.com or call 0209633192 / 0203190400. Due to a high demand for enrolments, parents are advised to register early to be shortlisted on the waiting list to wait for admission confirmation and placement.

School fees terms and conditions ​​
The enrollment fee is a mandatory one-time fee paid by all new students who are enrolled.
The enrollment fee includes the application fee, books and the cost of school uniforms.
After paying fees, parents should submit the payslips to the Admin for an official receipt.
If fees are not settled on time, the school will suspend all services for the student.
Fees paid will not be refunded if a parent or guardian decides to withdraw the learner before the term concludes.
The accounts office shall send you an official invoice and a receipt when the payment is made.
If a parent or guardian wishes to take the learner out of school for reasons like transfers or leave, the full term's fees must be paid to retain the learner's slot or cover tuition costs.
Fees are paid either as a bank transfer or cash deposit and via momo to 0555088051 with the Account name (The WIT Schools Ltd)
When you make payments at the bank, please use the student's school number as a reference. The two Bank Accounts are Zenith and ABSA Bank.
The school closes at 3:00 p.m., with a one-hour window until 4. Late pickups attract an additional hourly fee.
There may be additional fees for PTA dues, lunch and co-curricular, afterschool activities - see admin.